
The International Board of the OikosInvest Foundation is composed of

Prof. Dr. h.c. Christoph Stückelberger

President, Professor of global Ethics, sustainability and Economic Ethics

Geneva, Switzerland

Ing. Alessandro d’Amato

MSc in Computer Science, MBA, entrepreneur and senior c-level consultant

Zurich, Switzerland

Ms. Joy Cadangen, Treasurer

MBA, International Account and Development Expert

Philippines & Switzerland

Prof. Dr. William Otiende Ogara

PhD in Organizational Change and Renewal, Board member and Advisor of National Bank


Nairobi, Kenya

Former Board Members

Dr. Solomon Nwaka, Switzerland,
Scientist, Innovation Specialist for Public Health for WHO, African Union and others

Dr. Bright Mawudor, memb

er, Kenya/Ghana,
Finance Expert and Deputy General Secretary of the All Africa Conference of Churches


Oikosinvest is funded by donations and income from projects.